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ACHA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
ACHA - 2013-2014
Adrian College
Arizona State Univ.
Colin Hekle
Kale Dolinski
Danny McAuliffe
Binghamton Univ.
Canisius College
Colorado State Univ.
Cornell Univ.
Davenport Univ.
Philip Wendecker
Mason Bohlinger
Josh Munford
Drexel Univ.
Duquesne Univ.
Alex Castanzo
Eastern Michigan Univ.
Indiana Univ.
Indiana Univ. of PA
Iowa State Univ.
Mark Huber
Ithaca College
John Carroll Univ.
Kent State Univ.
Joe Kummerl
Nigel Crighton
Chad Parise
Lebanon Valley College
Lehigh Univ.
Liberty Univ.
Jackson Kuhn
Matt Sherry
Lindenwood Univ.
Mercyhurst Univ.
Minot State Univ.
Navy (US Naval Academy)
Niagara Univ.
Dallas Szustak
Erik McKown
Max Hyland
Patrick S. Ryan
North Dakota State Univ.
Oakland Univ.
Ohio Univ.
J.C. Gulch
Penn State Univ. - Berks
RIT (Roch. Inst. of Tech)
Robert Morris Univ.
Rochester Christian Univ.
Roosevelt Univ.
Rutgers Univ.
Slippery Rock Univ.
St. Bonaventure Univ.
Stony Brook Univ.
Joshua Graser
Syracuse Univ.
Towson Univ.
Univ. of Arizona
Univ. of Buffalo
Univ. of Central Oklahoma
Univ. of Colorado
Univ. of Delaware
Univ. of Illinois
Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn
Jase Paciocco
Univ. of Oklahoma
Univ. of Pittsburgh
Univ. of Rhode Island