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ACHA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
ACHA - 2015-2016
Adrian College
Binghamton Univ.
Canisius College
Colorado State Univ.
Cornell Univ.
Davenport Univ.
Drexel Univ.
Duquesne Univ.
Eastern Michigan Univ.
Illinois State Univ.
Indiana Tech
Indiana Univ. of PA
Iowa State Univ.
Alexander Stephens
Cory Sellers
Ithaca College
John Carroll Univ.
Kent State Univ.
Lebanon Valley College
Lehigh Univ.
Liberty Univ.
Ben Hughes
Lindenwood Univ.
Lukas Daniels
Brandon Rumble
Graham Zagrodney
Mercyhurst Univ.
Midland Univ.
Minot State Univ.
Missouri State Univ.
Navy (US Naval Academy)
Niagara Univ.
Patrick Gregory
Dallas Szustak
Seth Gustin
Mike Parda
Oakland Univ.
Ohio Univ.
Michael Harris
Tyler Pecka
Derek Rahme
Diego Breckenridge
Penn State Univ. - Berks
RIT (Roch. Inst. of Tech)
Robert Morris Univ.
Rochester Christian Univ.
Roosevelt Univ.
Rutgers Univ.
Slippery Rock Univ.
St. Bonaventure Univ.
Stony Brook Univ.
Syracuse Univ.
Temple Univ.
Towson Univ.
Univ. of Alabama
Univ. of Arizona
Orion Olsen
Univ. of Arkansas
Univ. of Buffalo
Univ. of Central Oklahoma
Univ. of Colorado
Univ. of Delaware
Univ. of Illinois