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BEAST 16U - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
BEAST 16U - 2019-2020
Connecticut Chiefs 16U AAA
Connecticut Chiefs Split 16U AAA
East Coast Militia 16U AAA
North Jersey Avalanche 16U AAA
Nicky Wallace
Sam Lipkin
Lane Hutson
Northeast Generals 16U AAA 2
NV River Rats 16U AAA National
Philadelphia Jr. Flyers 16U AAA
Rhode Island Saints 16U AAA
Guillaume Richard
Anthony Cliche
Jayden Sison
Rochester Selects 16U AAA
South Kent School 16U AAA
Copeland Fricker
Ryan Greene
Conor Shortall
Springfield Rifles 16U AA
Springfield Rifles 16U AAA
Syracuse Nationals 16U AAA
Valley Forge Minutemen 16U AAA
Westchester Express 16U AAA
Yale Jr. Bulldogs 16U AAA