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England U15 2 - Team Captaincy
England U15 2
League Information and Facts
England U15 2 - 2019-2020
Basingstoke Bison U16
James Bryan
Roman Cathcart
Joshua Hibbs
Coventry Blaze U16
Charles Coney
Karlis Svarcs
Joseph Tarr
Haringey Hounds U16
Noah Liao
Oliver Holbourns
Michael Conk
Invicta Mavericks U16
Taylor Chard
Brandon Chard
Ava Dell
Manchester Storm U16
James Best
Zach Aziz
Joseph Evans
Nottingham Lions U16 2
Benji Maycock
Sarah Kimber
Jenson Carnelley
Romford Hornets U16
Max Lewis
Kaloyan Popov
Dylan Holicka
Sheffield Greyhounds U16
Jenson Paddey
George Hallam
Abby Rowbotham
Slough Jets U16
Sebastian Mohr
Edward Cave-Humphrey
Alexandra Woolfe
Solent Devils U16
Jon McAllister
Riley Panter
Ryan East
Sutton Sting U16
Jack Straw
Edward Harley
Alexander Williams
Whitley Tomahawks U16
Owen Yarrow
James Toby
Harvey Starkie