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England U16 2 - Team Captaincy
England U16 2
League Information and Facts
England U16 2 - 2021-2022
Blackburn Hawks U16
Michael Williams
Charlie Scott
Kian Doherty
Cardiff Devils U16
Joshua Foley
Arthur Luceau
Connor Hellings
Grimsby IHC U16
Charlie Cullum
Joshua Cerrino
Keira Auty
Haringey Hounds U16 2
Jonathan Worth
Fionn Tekle
William Neophytou
Invicta Mavericks U16
Bailey Humphrey
Matthew Pike
Daniel Alabaster
Leeds Knights U16
Everita Venge
Jay Musson
Louisa Keller
Manchester Storm U16 2
Jessica Thorpe
Thomas Milnes
Abigail Aldred
Milton Keynes Storm U16
Corey Taylor
Charlie Conroy
Charlotte Greatbatch
Nottingham Lions U16 2
Jack Knight-Clarke
Adam Clark
Faith Laverty
Sheffield Greyhounds U16
Phoebe Gregg
Jack Bentley
Alisha Potts
Slough Jets U16
Sebastian Mohr
Kyle Bradburn
Himrun Ross
Solent Devils U16
Isaac Smith
Riley Hobbs
Louis Atkinson
Solihull Barons U16
Jaycee Daniel
Jack Bickley
Brandon Downing
Sutton Sting U16
Daniel Ulik
Owen Cutts
Melissa Veal
Widnes Wild U16
Liam Yarwood
Luke Alston
Tristan Lewis