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France U22 2 - Team Captaincy
France U22 2
League Information and Facts
France U22 2 - 2012-2013
Anglet U22
Annecy U22
Asnières U22
Bordeaux U22
Thomas Paradis
Tom Grat-Guiraute
Thomas Martin
Caen U22
Cholet U22
Courbevoie U22
Deuil-Garges U22
Dijon U22
Theophile Held
Cyril Cassan
Alban Janny
Français Volants Paris U22
Marseille U22
Montpellier U22
Nantes U22
Nice U22
Nord-Pas-de-Calais U22
Toulouse-Blagnac U22
Viry U22