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France U22 2 - Team Captaincy
France U22 2
League Information and Facts
France U22 2 - 2014-2015
Annecy U22
Etienne Siboul
Johan Rave
Maxime Rognon
Briançon U22
Guillaume Michelon
Thibaut Farina
Benjamin Villiot
Caen U22
Martin Ropert
Hugo Damy
Bryan Leheron
Deuil-Garges U22
Evry U22
Quentin Fauvet
Thomas Gautron
Clément Radolanirina
Lyon U22
Mathieu Touveron
Arthur Pégart
Léo Girod
Thomas Lapointe
Meudon U22
Strasbourg U22
Jules Gerber
Pierrick Hoehe
Romain Schmitt
Alastair Franc
Toulouse-Blagnac U22
Marvin Krukoff
Sébastien Pommier
Thibault Buils