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NCAA III (W) - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA III (W) - 2003-2004
Amherst College
Tory Serues
Amanda Muller
Augsburg Univ.
Lauren Chezick
Melynda Kleewein
Annie Annunziato
Corrie Krzyska
Bethel Univ.
Bowdoin College
Marissa O'Neil
Gillian McDonald
Sadie Wieschhoff
Buffalo State Univ.
Emma Wadsworth
Chatham Univ.
Amanda Thornton
Colby College
Kate Sweeney
Christina Dotchin
College of Saint Benedict
Kari Dykhoff
College of the Holy Cross
Elizabeth Campbell
Rachelle Beaudoin
Caitlin Andrew
Concordia College
Connecticut College
Stephanie Morgan
Beth Landes
Chrissy Nevins-Herbert
Elmira College
Michelle Rennie
Laura Hurd
Julie Clune
LeAnne Denman
Gustavus Adolphus College
Hamilton College
Hamline Univ.
Jeanne Schipper-Jobe
Angie Erickson
Emily Gross
Lake Forest College
Nichole Greco
Lindsey Wild
Manhattanville College
Nicole Stephens
Melissa Hawkins
Kim Hayden
Renee Kirnan
Middlebury College
MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech)
Leah Windhorst
Meena Shah
Cara Toretta
Neumann Univ.
Melissa Pacitti
Brie Ward
Sarah Hannan
New England College
RIT (Rochester IOT)
Jen Gorczynski
RPI (Rensselaer Poly In.)
Deanna Dougherty
Katie Woodward
Maj Nixon
Saint Mary's Univ.
Salve Regina Univ.
Nicole Cote
Michelle Lavoie
St. Catherine Univ.
Katie Eichten
Deirdre Lindstrom
Kendra Graper
St. Michael's College
Holly Brandl
Meg Lyons
Marcy Ring
St. Olaf College
Kate Barnett
Sarah Ray
MaryAnn Knott
Lindsay Davies
Leanne Scott
Brooke Bazinet
Erin O'Brien
Trinity College
Jillian Nelsen
Mimi MacKinnon
U. of Wisconsin-River Falls
Lindsy Carlson
Jodi Hensch
U. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Ann Ninnemann
Katelyn Averill
Amanda Boucher
Univ. of Southern Maine
Tricia Kamp
Karen Jamnik
Univ. of St. Thomas
Tomery Stolz
Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Univ. of Wisconsin-Superior
Amy Kachinske
Marianne Bortolin
Utica Univ.
Katie Juliano
Wesleyan Univ.
Natasha Clauson
Andrea Snow
Elizabeth Courtney
Williams College
Molly Wasserman
Bonnie Lui