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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1965-1966
Army (U.S. Military Academy)
Bemidji State Univ.
Jim Thompson
Boston College
Allan Kierstead
Boston Univ.
Dennis O'Connell
Brown Univ.
Clarkson Univ.
Harry Dunn
Tom Hurley
Terry Yurkiewicz
Colgate Univ.
Barry Tait
Colorado College
Cornell Univ.
Doug Ferguson
Michael Doran
Dartmouth College
Charles Stuart
Harvard Univ.
Robert Clark
Michigan State Univ.
Mike Coppo
Donald Heaphy
Michigan Tech
Northeastern Univ.
Larry Bone
Ohio State Univ.
John Chaney
Princeton Univ.
I. Davis Hall
Providence College
Frank Brander
Brian Kelly
RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
Bill Grisdale
Pete Russel
Al Jones
St. Lawrence Univ.
David Ross
Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks
Univ. of Denver
Wayne Smith
Univ. of Michigan
Mel Wakabayashi
Univ. of Minnesota
Doug Woog
John Lothrop
Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth
Owen Rogers
Keith Christiansen
Bob Hill
Univ. of New Hampshire
Brad Houston
Univ. of North Dakota
Terry Casey
Dennis Hextall
Roy Davidson
Univ. of Wisconsin
Yale Univ.
Richard Williamson