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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1992-1993
Air Force Academy
Army (U.S. Military Academy)
Boston College
Marc Beran
Ron Pascucci
Scott Zygulski
Boston Univ.
Dave Sacco
Kevin O'Sullivan
Bowling Green State Univ.
Ty Eigner
Brett Harkins
Jeff Wells
Brown Univ.
Scott Hanley
Derek Chauvette
Mike Ross
Jamie O'Brien
Clarkson Univ.
Steve Dubinsky
Martin D'Orsonnens
Colgate Univ.
Andrew Dickson
College of the Holy Cross
Lance Brady
Colorado College
Cornell Univ.
Ryan Hughes
Dartmouth College
Peter Clark
Ferris State Univ.
John Gruden
Daryl Filipek
Harvard Univ.
Ted Drury
Kent State Univ.
Claude Morin
Lake Superior State Univ.
Michael Bachusz
Clayton Beddoes
Dean Hulett
Michael Smith
Merrimack College
Miami Univ. (Ohio)
Chris Bergeron
Brian Savage
Rico Blasi
Trent Eigner
Michigan State Univ.
Bryan Smolinski
Wesley McCauley
Michigan Tech
Northeastern Univ.
Chris Foy
Northern Michigan Univ.
Greg Hadden
Joe Frederick
Steve Carpenter
Garett MacDonald
Ohio State Univ.
Phil Cadman
Princeton Univ.
Terrence Morris
Brian Bigelow
Providence College
Bob Cowan
Mark Devine
RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
Ron Pasco
Brad Layzell
Al Kummu
St. Cloud State Univ.
Dan O'Shea
Fred Knipscheer
Greg Hagen
St. Lawrence Univ.
Greg Carvel
Lee Albert
Ted Beattie
Scott Meehan
Union College
Greg Steele
Univ. of Alaska-Anchorage
Mitch Kean
Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks
Dean Fedorchuk
Wayne Sawchuk
Univ. of Denver
Mike Markovich
Ken MacArthur
Mark Luger
Univ. of Illinois-Chicago
Univ. of Maine
Jim Montgomery
Dan Murphy
Univ. of Michigan
David Harlock
Univ. of Minnesota
Travis Richards
Craig Johnson
John Brill
Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth
Derek Plante
Jon Rohloff
Jeff Parrott
Univ. of New Hampshire
Kevin Thomson
Univ. of North Dakota
Greg Johnson
Brad Bombardir
Chris Gotziaman
Univ. of Notre Dame
Matt Osiecki
Dave Bankoske
Curtis Janicke
Univ. of Vermont
Aaron Miller
Univ. of Wisconsin
Barry Richter
Dan Plante
Jason Francisco
Western Michigan Univ.
Pat Ferschweiler
Jason Jennings
Joe Bonnett
Brent Brekke
Yale Univ.
Jack Duffy