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AAU III - Team Captaincy
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AAU III - 2024-2025
Allegheny College
Alvernia Univ.
Appalachian State Univ.
Sammy Kasper
Patrick Casey
Riley Brady
Luke Miller
Brandon Miller
Austin Peay State Univ.
Bloomsburg Univ. of PA
Brown Univ.
Catholic Univ. of America
Christopher Newport Univ.
Dean Jones
Ethan Hoffman
Kevin Donnelly
Zach Adra
Coastal Carolina Univ.
Owen O'Brien
Sawyer Tantleff
College of Charleston
Columbia Univ.
Eastern Kentucky Univ.
Embry-Riddle Aeornautical Univ.
Fairfield Univ.
Florida Atlantic Univ.
Florida State Univ.
Florida Tech
Gannon Univ.
Hamilton College
High Point Univ.
Hobart College
Hofstra Univ.
Ithaca College
Jefferson Community College
Cameron Winebar
Jack Mills
Lenny Dormio
Kennesaw State Univ.
Lafayette College
Le Moyne College
Liberty Univ.
Loyola Univ. - Maryland
Mercyhurst Univ. |ACHA 2/AAU 3|
Navy (US Naval Academy)
Nichols College
Onondaga Community College
Penn State Univ. - Behrend
Quincy College
Rowan Univ. |ACHA III/AAU|
Rutgers Univ.
Michael Panchery
Sacred Heart Univ.
Salisbury Univ.
St. John Fisher Univ.
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stony Brook Univ.
Univ. of Alabama
Univ. of Alabama-Birmingham
Univ. of Florida
Univ. of Georgia
Univ. of Maryland